Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Journal 6: "Ten Reasons to Get Rid of Homework (and Five Alternatives)"

Spencer, J. (2011, September 19). Ten reasons to get rid of homework (and five alternatives). Retrieved from

In the article “ Ten Reason to Get Rid of Home,” author John Spencer explains his reasoning’s for not giving his students homework.  He believes that homework kills the desire for students want to learn. Students need more time to play and relax. If they don’t learn anything during the six hours they are at school are they going to accomplish anything while working at home? Spencer believes that homework diminishes achievement. These ideas that Spencer has are very interesting and I always have had mixed feeling about homework. In high school and middle school, homework always seemed like busy work. All I can personally remember doing is worksheets. I don’t believe in not giving any homework at all. I think maybe a one or two assignments a week is good. I think that what is being assigned should be given with purpose and meaning.

5 alternatives to homework:
1.     Give students a project where they have to observe and explore outside.  Have them photograph or draw something from nature that they saw.
2.     Read a newspaper article and bring it to class to share with their classmates.
3.     Have students present an activity that they enjoy doing outside of class.  
4.     Have students do a volunteer project. They can either volunteer somewhere of their choice or do community service on their own. Have them write about it and how it made them feel.
5.     Always give students options for homework. Let them choose which assignment they would like to do.

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